The Dreaded Cold and Flu
It was bound to happen. I attended a Celebration of Life event and took home someone’s pet virus. 6 days into this and I am sad I didn’t listen to my intuition of taking some zinc before the event. Thankfully, I am well stocked with items in my cabinet to ease my symptoms.
Must-Have Items to Ease the Symptoms
First, I would like to add my disclaimer. It is important that people follow their physician’s recommended guidelines for managing their health. I am writing about what I keep on hand for my family. I have additional items on hand for my son with Type 1 diabetes to manage his care according to his sick day instructions. We are all different and feel free to add or cherry-pick what resonates with you.
Sore throat drops, sore throat spray, cough drops, cough syrup, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, cold packs, rice packs(for heat), tea, my favorite blanket(super important), humidifiers(both cold and warm), saline spray, TISSUES!!, menthol chest rub, elderberry, vitamin c, zinc, and thermometer. For children, also please follow your child’s doctor’s guidelines. They recommend child versions of the above symptom relievers. In addition, having beverages that assist with balancing electrolytes and keeping the body hydrated is important for all ages.
Pho Sure…
Now I won’t likely need most of these unless I am running a fever, vomiting or refunding out the back end. But a cup of tea and some pain relief go a long way between the cough drops. Additionally, soups and broths are also something I keep stocked in the pantry to help my body’s digestive system take it easy. The number one thing I LOVE when I get sick is some PHO!! Yes, Vietnamese Pho is what I absolutely want and need when I need some food wellness love! If you know who’s photo this is. I’d love to give credit where credit is due!

The Important Factor
The most important factor is REST! REST! and more REST along with proper hydration. This is a perfect opportunity not to overdue it. This a glamorous opportunity to be ASSERTIVE with your boundaries. No people stopping by to visit. No housework unless someone else is coming by to help you out. No overdoing anything. YES, MOMS. I am talking about you. My thoughts and prayers are with the single parents and anyone dealing solely with their extraordinary health care issues. I want there to be someone for you. I think it is prudent for community health for employers to provide paid sick days so that people can stay home and rest.
Time to Recover
Grab some audiobooks, your favorite streaming show or movie, and/or a pile of books you’ve meant to read, a blanket of happiness, and find a spot to begin to rest.

Today, I have my blanket, some Vegan Chickpea Soup with loads of garlic and am rewatching Bridgerton. After blog-plaining about my chest cold, I’m going to rest up. It’s only day 6 since V-day. But I plan to kick this to the curb soon.