Tis the Season for Weather
February 2024 is the Warmest on Record
Wisconsin weather for 2024 has been unseasonably warm. Generally speaking, we see anywhere from 20F to -70F if we are experiencing a polar vortex during February. This week alone in Wisconsin we saw four 60F or more degree days. Yesterday hit a high of 72F. Yes! In February. I have been so grateful for the warmer weather. We’ve gone out on several walks and yesterday, I refreshed the mulch in the flower beds.
Then Tornadoes-Another Historic Moment

Another strange and historic phenomenon occurred when we had not one but two tornados here during one of our warmer weather weeks. One of the tornados was less than two miles south of our house. It did about 2.3 million dollars in damage and the town was out of power for over 9 hours while the nearest cell tower and internet was out for about 16 hours. In times of disaster, many come forward to help others in need. People from both, in and out of town, rallied for cleanup, donated for the families affected by the disaster, and volunteer line persons came and spent all night trying to restore electricity to our town. The firefighters were supported by a local MABAS request for mutual aid and individuals came forward volunteering to help in any way. I see these disasters as opportunities for people to come together and realize that we are in no way separate or more chosen than any other person.
Out With The Old

It was time to say goodbye to our old GE dishwasher. It developed leaks around the door and despite replacing the seals, kept leaking. So out with the old and in with the new GE dishwasher and a new kitchen faucet replacing the other one which also was over 22 years old. Just a little PB blaster and the old faucet jiggled loose. We have a three-hole sink so I needed to use the deck plate to cover the extra holes. Maybe I should have bought a new sink too and new countertops. Oh, a girl can dream! I have an amazing kitchen as is. It is an open concept with the living room, dining area, and kitchen with vaulted ceilings so it feels like a huge space. It also has a kitchen island and YES! I am always excited because of the extra counter space.

I am happy to have knocked a few more things off my to-do list. I am aiming to have the list clear for springtime when I add outdoor and garden duties to my everyday routine.